Gaffs of Truth

from One Who Creates with Alphabets

04 March 2006

In the Red Zone

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I'm going to stay inside.


At 4/3/06 20:31, Blogger T. M. Hunter added...

How did you get a copy of the sign hanging outside Hunter's workplace?

At 4/3/06 21:25, Blogger Alphabeter added...

I literally made that sign two minutes before I posted it. I yanked the URL from someone in my blogroll. I thought it was Carter, but I can't find his post on it. But at least I'm being honest about where I got it! Tell Hunter I'm going to tell PA on him!


At 5/3/06 07:36, Blogger T. M. Hunter added...

Promises, promises...
Make sure to let them know where he's threatening to go to arbitration...

At 26/3/06 09:45, Anonymous Anonymous added...

I recogonize the image, it's made at or, either site lets you make images online...


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