Gaffs of Truth

from One Who Creates with Alphabets

17 February 2006

Happy happy happy Dance of Joy

My flight doesn't leave until tomorrow morning, but this will probably be my last post until after I get back in the middle of next week. Unless I'm having a lousy time, in which case I'll be whining every few hours I am near an internet connection.

But I have room for only happy thoughts right now!

This is my first 'vacation' (although I'm scouting for a house, job and life upheaval) since the last family trip in 1999. They've taken others, but I've had to stay home to take care of the ailing. And this is the first time I've been to Texas, so I'm (hopefully) going to be in shorts while the rest of the clan up here cleans the snow off their cars. If I were a meaner sort, this is where I would giggle and high-five karma. But I'm not, so I won't.

To everyone who reads this blog, have a happy and healthy weekend.


At 17/2/06 17:15, Blogger Mindy Tarquini added...

We look forward to news when you get back.

At 19/2/06 08:22, Blogger T. M. Hunter added...

Hope your trip was enjoyable.

At 19/2/06 13:03, Blogger Erik Ivan James added...

Be safe, have fun and we look forward to your return.

At 19/2/06 18:41, Blogger Confessions of a Starving Mystery Writer added...

have fun...


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