Gaffs of Truth

from One Who Creates with Alphabets

06 January 2007

How many balls?

I have specific ideas for novels (stand-alones and series), short stories (some connected with a novel universe, some complete one-offs), and [screen]plays.

At the moment, I have been working on a novel in a children's series, a novel in a skiffy series, a pair of unrelated (to anything) short stories and a bunch of poems (a separate blogful).

I know I should focus, but I like the scattershot approach. However, I honestly feel that it is no longer beneficial. Overlapping projects means everything is always in a different stage. Different mind-sets are required for drafting, revising, editing, polishing, beta feedback redoing, sending out, more revising from notes...lather, rinse, repeat until sale.

Once in one mode, I'm finding it harder to go 'back' to another. Yes, I want to work on another piece, but doing whatever function on it as I was just doing. For example, when finished with Project A (a short story), I want to move onto Project E (a novel). I had been revising A. E is still between an outline and a first draft. I want to keep revising, not initially writing.

So I think I'm going to write, write, write until I have a stack of different projects and then take them all step-by-step through the processes together, rather than bouncing up and down the ladder across the board.

I'm hoping it will keep my creativity functionable while giving it some breathing room. I won't be reducing how many balls/projects I'll be juggling, just allowing them to be equally weighted rather than in such contrasts of light and heavy (in addition to large [novels] and small [poems]).

Am I, wait, I've already accepted and embraced that tag. Am I unrealistic or trying too hard?

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At 13/1/07 13:55, Blogger Midwestern Writer Wannabe added...

I tried that method before, but couldn't get started on multiple tasks and keep them going simultaneously...

Good luck to you, though...


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