Gaffs of Truth

from One Who Creates with Alphabets

11 January 2006

This blog is officially listed on BlogShares.

Eventually I will have all ten (yeah, 10) of my blogs listed, but as MG gave me the idea, I made my blogspot my main BS blog (stop snickering...loudly).

Listed on BlogShares

As this little picture needs to be kept on the blog at all time, it will appear at the side along with my blogroll. So y'all can BUY ME.
Or something like that.


At 12/1/06 21:45, Blogger Mindy Tarquini added...

That thing has to be listed? I don't have one of those. How do I get it? Is this yet one more thing to distract me?

At 12/1/06 23:55, Blogger Alphabeter added...

You do too have one! I found the link on your blog. You posted about your shares doubling.

And yes, its designed to distract you. Its like checking amazon ratings for unpublished blogger writers. Just another thing to obsess over instead of writing!


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